This article was first published 24 Sept 2020; last update: 19 March 2023
MeWe is not the naturist friendly network it used to be, as you can see here:
This is how I introduced MeWe before
I would like to bring to your attention. MeWe is the new social network. It was created in answer to the disrespect of privacy from Facebook and other tech giants.
It is for free. No ads, so spyware, no bullshit. It is supported my users who buy subscriptions to extra’s, like additional emoticons, themes and pages. But the free site already provides a complete social network. Like any new website, it will take you a little effort to understand the user interface. It is worth the effort.
In the groups you find many groups about naturism. See the list below the image. MeWe has the option to mark photos, groups and posts as NSFW (“not safe for work”). So naturists can post without censoring photos. So let’s all say goodbye to prudish Facebook and Instagram! Nudists and naturists join on MeWe!
My MeWe profile is Natams. Send me a message after you created a complete profile!
What others say about MeWe
You don’t have to take just my words. See what others say. For example this article by Emizen Tech.
Or just search for “what is MeWe”?
Naturist groups on MeWe
There used to be a list of naturist MeWe groups here. But the list got too long and was not easy to maintain.
The list moved to the page Naturist and nudist groups on MeWe.
Thank you so much for making this list!
Any insights as to why Search doesn’t find most naturist groups?
I have no idea why MeWe Search doesn’t find most naturist groups. Unfortunately MeWe does not anser any user questions either…
Great and hard work done
Thank you for the list. Great work.
Thank you for researching and putting up this index. MEWE with all good intention still makes it difficult to find naturist groups. Maybe someone could address them as to why ?
Great list. Keep up the great work