MeWe turns out to be not so naturist friendly
In the autumn of 2020, I discovered MeWe. It presented itself as a social network that respects privacy. An alternative to Facebook and Instagram. That made me very happy. Since then, I have been actively promoting MeWe among naturists.
Of course, MeWe was not perfect. For example, it was impossible to search for (naturist) groups. But there are many well-moderated naturist groups, so I decided to make a list of them. Getting used to the interface was also not easy for everyone. But ok, they are young. Just give them some time.
A few months ago, I started to receive reports of groups being deleted without notice. These were porn groups and when I read the MeWe terms and conditions, I could understand why. Of course it is not professional to do this without warning, but ok.
But now they are also removing well-moderated naturist groups! Again without any warning!

This is the only thing you see when MeWe removes a group.
In the past I have never received answers to questions I have posted. Two days ago I sent an email asking for an explanation. If I get an answer I will add it here. But I am not very hopeful…
What shall we do with MeWe?
For the moment, I am maintaining the status quo. I will continue to moderate the Naturist Symbol and Gay Naturists groups. But I am not going to put a lot of energy into it until it is clear what MeWe’s policy is on genuine naturism and nudism.
Please share this message and tag @MeWe. If you know how to reach someone at MeWe, please ask them to contact me.
Proper naturist groups should not be deleted as on here is one way to meet other naturist people and groups. Naturist groups and porn groups are totally different from each other. I am gay who is just about to turn 60 early September and I have become friends with quite a few from naturist groups on here.
I sure hope our clean non-sexual naturist groups do not suddenly disappear. I am also on Telegram in groups there.